
The Green Smoothie Challenge begins!

Hey friends!

as many of you remember, I mentioned I was excited about National Green Smoothie Day.  It happened to officailly begin on Aug. 15th, but I was in utah working and therefore had a hard time doing the challenge.  So I decided to post pone it for when I made it back home to Vegas.  I started this morning and I feel great! I started with a Sweet Green Garden smoothie from Whole Foods for breakfast.  I dont have the exact measurments but it had Kale, Spinach, Banana, Strawberries, and Water in it. Yum!

I made sure to stay very busy with laundry, unpacking, and organizing till lunch snuck right up! I decided to whip another green goodness smoothie!

Very Green Energy Smoothie:

Yields: serves 1

1 cup coconut water
2 cups raw spinach
1 banana
Half of a cucumber (diced)
1 green pear (diced)
1 large spoonful of Hemp green pro fiber
dash of stevia powder
dash of ginger

Place coconut water in blender first followed by spinach, pear, banana, and cucumber.  Then add powders and blend. Pour in glass and enjoy!

*always put liquids in the blender first (saves your motor)

*Green smoothies are easy to switch up so don’t be afraid to throw whatever your feeling in there!

I’m kinda amazed at how full I am after one of these smoothies! Incredible! I think it’s all that fiber in there!

Off to do a little at home yoga with a new podcast! I’ll keep you posted with all this green goodness!


Jessie Ann


  • Paige Robinson
    August 23, 2011 at 3:55 am

    Hey Jess!! So are these smoothies a new diet thing? How are they working for you? Love ya girl! Miss you and hope your life is great:)!

    • jessie.james
      August 23, 2011 at 3:41 pm

      Hey Paige!

      Not so much a new diet, just a fun 3 day challenge to reboot my system ya know? How are things for you?!


      Jessie Ann

  • Kristen
    August 23, 2011 at 4:06 am

    What yoga do you do at home? Where can I find it? Have you checked out yogaglo?
    Btw your new pics are gorgeous!

    • jessie.james
      August 23, 2011 at 3:42 pm


      I just searched Power yoga with nikki wong and did her first episode. I heard about the podcast idea on another blog and I actually loved it! What is yogaglo? is that a website??


      Jessie Ann

      • Kristen
        August 25, 2011 at 2:27 am

        Ahh, it is a website and it looks super cool, it has great reviews. First month is free so i’m going to try it out now that i’m back to school and not so free anymore.

        • jessie.james
          August 25, 2011 at 8:08 pm

          Sweet! That sight looks great. I’ve been doing those podcasts that are free and I love them! I sweat a ton each practice! nothing replaces a studio but this is the best at home yoga solution ive found.

  • rachel foulger
    January 3, 2012 at 11:07 pm

    Hi! A friend of mine told me to look at your blog and I love it so much! I have a few questions for you; the first is how long was the green smoothie challenge? And what was it exactly, did you replace your meals with a smoothie or just in addition to, etc?
    Also! who made your blog? I did mine through WordPress and so far I’m not impressed with the options they have given for my theme.
    Thank you!! Have a great New Year!

    • jessie.james
      January 4, 2012 at 12:08 am

      Hi Rachel!

      I’m glad you stopped by! My smoothie challenged lasted just a week but there are programs that can last up to two weeks. Basically, you replace your meals with a green smoothie. I did it just to reset my system after going off the health track for a bit hahah so it was great! I joined the challenge and received recipes, online help, as well as many questions answered at therawdivas.com. Its important you follow the recipes she has or similar so you can stay full:) The first two days is tough but you can do it! check out the raw divas because they are an awesome site! My husbands best friend actually designed my site as a wedding gift to me haha! I would be happy to give you his info if you’d like to get in contact with him! Just let me know!
      Happy New Year to you!!


      Jessie Ann

      • Rachel Foulger
        January 25, 2012 at 4:25 am

        Hi Jessie Ann!
        Thank you for your response! I looked at therawdivas and signed up for their 3 day green smoothie challenge. I’m excited to see what recipes she sends me! I have a question about the green smoothies… I think, since I’m a beginner at this, I would like to add protein to my smoothie. Do you have any recommendations? Is there anything else you like in your smoothies and why; for taste reasons, for health, for weight loss, for energy, etc? What do you recommend? For instance, why hemp and chia seeds? I’ve heard about them but have no idea what they do…
        I am 38, a single mom, 203 lbs (! about 70 lbs overweight for my frame) and I have a blog called http://www.lbs4clooney.com where I am making small changes in order to lose a LOT of weight and hopefully meet George Clooney… Why not, right? It’s my first month and I have had a little success but would really like to kick it in the butt.
        I’d appreciate any help, ideas, comments, etc!
        Thanks again and much success to you!
        P.S. I live in Orem and would love to meet you sometime!

        • jessie.james
          January 25, 2012 at 6:53 am


          I’m excited you signed up at therawdivas! You will love it! I use SunWarrior Vegan protein powder and I love it! You could give that a try if you are looking for a powder. Chia seeds are a good source of protein as well as awesome for your digestive system! They help keep you flowing haha:) give them a try and I think you will be surprised how much you enjoy them! I haven’t tried hemp yet but I do know many that use it as an extra source of protein. Keep me posted on your quest to meet George! He is dreamy and why not?! You live in orem?? Come take my BalletBlast classes mon/tues 9:30-10:30 am @ Studio 1 in orem! I would love to meet you!
          Jessie Ann


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