Blog / Diet & Fitness

It’s going to be my year…

Hey luvs!

Can you believe that we are half way through the first week of 2012? Ah! It’s crazy how fast time flies! Monday, I posted some tips about achieving your health goals for the new year, so I decided it was time to post my resolutions for the year!

Yearly goals are a little scary so I decided to make some fun, relaxed goals and some serious ones as well.

Image Via Glamour.

Be a fashionista? We’ll see 🙂 Image source here.

Master Chef.  I can dream. Image Via Pinterest

Ok so now for the serious goals.  Carson and I took a long walk yesterday with Remmie to discuss our yearly goals as a couple as well as individual goals. Since Carson and I will only see each other on the weekends, we decided to make separate goals and help keep each other accountable.  We made sure our “couple” goals were also achievable living in separate states.

  1. Spiritual. Pray. Read. And study.  Sounds so simple but I have decided to be better at  reading the Book of Mormon daily and discussing what I’ve read with Carson.  I constantly have a prayer in my heart but I need to get on my knees morning and night to thank God for a beautiful life.
  2. Health.  I hope to continue to maintain a healthy lifestyle.  I’ve made a goal to drink more water daily as well as take time to meditate each day.  Set an intention to love myself.  I cannot let my brain bully my body.
  3. Fitness. Get moving everyday.  Whether that is walking, yoga, the gym, or HIIT.   Just anything to get some healthy endorphines flowing:) I also am going to make sure I dont let working out run my life.  Fitness should be enjoyable not done out of guilt.
  4. Professional. Train train train.  Get back into class and push myself to get better as a dancer as well as artist.  Grow BalletBlast in Las Vegas and inspire woman to feel empowered and important!


Most importantly I am going to try my best to slow down, be patient with myself, and welcome each day with open arms.  I’m going to take a second each month and look back and celebrate what I achieved.  Realize my worth and do my best to be a little better everyday!

What are some of your goals this new year? What steps will you take to achieve them?


Jessie Ann


  • katie Carso
    January 4, 2012 at 8:03 pm


    I wish you all the best too girl! I know 2012 will be amazing for you!

    The ballet blast class just sounds awesome!

  • Angela
    January 4, 2012 at 8:32 pm

    I hope 2012 is a really amazing year for you!! My main goals are to continue to focus on my fitness goals and to live one day at a time. I find myself looking ahead too much. I need to enjoy every day to the fullest 🙂

  • Stacey
    January 4, 2012 at 9:08 pm

    I LOVE it!! You go girl!! Its gonna be a good year. Love you!


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